Hello Neighbor 2 Car Battery Location (CopHouse) Mission 4

Hello Neighbor 2 Car Battery Location (Cop House)
This is the Mission 4, i am going to tell you where is the location of hello neighbor 2 car battery. This is the Mission 4 of our walkthrough series, in our last post we solved the safe code puzzle.
After completing this puzzle you will get the 3rd key for the basement, so let’s complete this mission.

If you go to the first floor near the toy car, you will see there is a controller with the missing battery.

To solve this puzzle all you have to do is, just go to the 1st floor of the cop house and enter the first door. There you will see a big empty shelf on the wall side, and in the left side there is a switch and the handle is missing.

The handle for the switch is right in the room, in a small green wooden basket.
Pick it up and plug it in the switch and turn on the switch.

Now to shelf will slide and you will see a secret chamber.
Inside this chamber you will find the battery covered on the spider web.

Just remove the spider web using the scissors and get the battery.

Plug the battery to the controller and turn on.

Now the toy car will bring you the 3rd key out of 4 for the basement.

Thanks for reading our post on the hello neighbor 2 car controller battery location, hope you found it useful. Follow of our post to find out the last key of the basement.
Hello Neighbor 2 Car Battery Location (Video Tutorial)
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